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Thursday, April 16, 2015

Bad Relationships = Degenerative Diseases

“Trying to change old habit is like fighting a war in your head – a draining and exhausting skirmish that makes you wonder at your chance of survival,” – Richelle E. Goodrich

When trying to change is not only a war in your head, but a war in the other’s head as well, or may even be a real war, the one happens not only in your head. The one happens outside your head, through your little lips and handy hands. When a war for the relationship is a war for real, with your boyfriend/girlfriend.

Then it becomes a disease to the relationship. I think of unhealthy relationship as if it was a disease, a degenerative disease. It will become worse eventually, as time goes by. And nothing we can do to make it healthy again, nothing we can do to fix it. We can’t cure degenerative diseases, what we can do is prolonging the life expectancy, but not curing. Maybe increase the 5-years-survival rate. So did every doctors said in their highly sophisticated language. 5-years-survival rate. When it comes to relationship, is it also going to be 5 years? Or should it be 5-months-survival rate?

But then again, there is research, invention, or whatever we name it but someday we hope we’d find a cure. Through a long process of thinking and trying, of trials and errors. But somewhere along the process, will death precede? Which one will come first? The cure? Or death?

Then we wonder, will love ever be enough? To save our unhealthy relationships? Or will it just prolong the life of the relationship where it’s gonna face death eventually? Or should it just be dead and then we can move on and have another relationship, hoping this one is gonna be a healthy one? Should we wait and watch the death precede the invention of the cure? Or should we end it? Or should we keep our faith that the cure will eventually be invented?

The question is, “Do you still have faith in your faith?”

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