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Friday, July 3, 2015

Happiness: What is?

We often look at someone else's life and think of ours as suck. We always long for what we can't have, what others can. We tried as hard just to fulfill one dream, "happiness, like theirs". When will we realize that happiness is personal. What makes them happy does not always make us be. When will we realize what happiness is? Is it having all the money in the world to travel the world? Or is it having all the love in the world from every ones mean the world to us? When I hear happiness, I couldn't help but wonder, "What is?". There will not be any perfect answers for this question, because just as God created us individual as unique as we are, so did He make our happiness, "unique". So how about you? What is your happiness? Share your thought here


  1. Hello, for me.. happiness is when you in bad condition you can still being grateful for all little things u had. Sometimes happy and sad can't be separated, cause to be happy not always in your good condition 😊..

    1. Hello Indira, thank you for sharing. I also agree with you that happiness should be a the combination of whatever happens in your life. Sad, happy, joyful, hurtful, and so many other things resulting in a grateful feelings. :)

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  3. Happiness is not about a big laugh or tears of joy. It's about a simple smile Whenever you remember someone who made your life simple but completely happy. Is letting go of what you think your life is supposed to look like. It is not how much you have, but how much you enjoy. Happiness is not one big thing. It's all the little things put together.

  4. For me happiness is about perspective in life. It's about choices you make. Human nature as always make us think that others grasses are greener, it comes down to our very own way of thinking whether to stuck n just envying our neighbours grasses or deciding to watering ours and make the garden we've been dreaming about. There's no exact explanation about happiness but I believe that when you choose to be a happy person, u'll get happiness in your life. Well, sorry if it's too long n confusing. Just wanna share my deep thoughts. Vic-

  5. Happiness always stay short and opposite of it always last long.
