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Tuesday, July 28, 2015

The Noise = To listen or Not to listen to

In the classroom we heard classmates chit-chatting about nothing. In a cafeteria we heard random strangers talking about everything. Some were gossiping, others were sharing their lives, and some other might be trash talking, or bitching about their acquaintances. Some are bragging. Some are whining. Some others might be declaring feelings.  Some were laughing. Some were crying. Some were smiling. Some were sympathizing. Some were just clueless and expressionless they didn’t know how to react. Some might be screaming nonsense just having fun with their folks. And I wonder what fun is.

Everywhere we go, we heard noises. We heard people telling stories those were not theirs to tell. Some others were telling other people how to live their lives when in fact; they did not even know how to live their own. Aren’t you tired of all the noises running through your eyes and ears? Don’t you ever feel tired of them? Don’t you think you need a noise cancellation device to wash them away? Shut them off your head?

Maybe what you need is refreshment. Somewhere quiet. A noise-free environment where you can clear our head. Stop thinking about what a judgmental and sentimental world we’re living in.

At some particular times in our lives, we all need to have a getaway to have a moment with our own soul. A place where only you and your soul can talk. It doesn’t mean there will be no noise at all. It’s just in this place we find it easy to reduce or even cancel any noises from out there and focus on ourselves. I, my self, prefer a beach or an ocean. Taking some time off with myself, just listen to the voice of the splashing water. It is calming, always have always will. Rob Wilson said, “More than just music, the splash of water or a lone footstep can put you in the moment”.

So.. what have you done with your noises?

Friday, July 3, 2015

Happiness: What is?

We often look at someone else's life and think of ours as suck. We always long for what we can't have, what others can. We tried as hard just to fulfill one dream, "happiness, like theirs". When will we realize that happiness is personal. What makes them happy does not always make us be. When will we realize what happiness is? Is it having all the money in the world to travel the world? Or is it having all the love in the world from every ones mean the world to us? When I hear happiness, I couldn't help but wonder, "What is?". There will not be any perfect answers for this question, because just as God created us individual as unique as we are, so did He make our happiness, "unique". So how about you? What is your happiness? Share your thought here